Job Training Information for TAs

If you are a student or post-doctoral fellow working as a teaching assistant for the first time and you are a member of CUPE 3902 Unit 1, you are eligible to receive 4 hours of paid job training from your hiring department. Typically these hours will be included in your distribution of hours outlined on the Description of Duties and Allocation of Hours (DDAH) form. 

For subsequent appointments of 30 hours or more, you may request additional training of up to 4 hours for each appointment.  You must submit additional training requests to your hiring department and it is at the discretion of your hiring department to approve your requests. If your department does not have a specialized department-specific session, you can, at your department’s approval, attend 4-hours of training offered by our office. 

Departments can develop and deliver the entire 4 hours of training themselves, some or all first appointment training may be provided by the TATP. Please contact your hiring department for guidance on how you will receive your 4 hours of paid training. 

TATP Training Options

TATP Online Training Modules

If your department has asked you to complete one or more online training modules, you can self-enrol using the following links:  

Questions? Online Module FAQ for TAs 

2 Hour Synchronous Training Sessions

TAs must register prior to attending one of the 2-hour synchronous online or in-person training sessions hosted by the TATP. In-person training sessions will take place in the Blackburn Room, on the 4th floor of Robarts Library (130 St. George Street). Online sessions will be hosted on Zoom.

Topics covered in these sessions include:

  • Key instructional techniques
  • Time management
  • Communicating with students
  • Effective student support
  • Working with your Course Supervisor


Additional Paid Training for TAs  

As per the 2021-23 Collective Agreement, in addition to the first appointment training for TAs, the University shall provide 2 hours of work-related paid training per academic year in which they hold at least one teaching appointment. The 2 additional hours of paid training are completely optional. 

Training in the following subject areas will be considered work-related training for all appointments: 

  • Pedagogy and inclusive pedagogy 
  • Anti-oppression and anti-racism 
  • Intercultural competency 
  • Accommodations and crisis referrals 

In addition, the following training will be considered work-related for teaching appointments that require remote delivery: 

  • Online technology 
  • Online course design and management 

TAs may, with departmental approval, participate in any relevant TATP professional development sessions for this additional paid training.

A Note on Attendance Records from the TATP 

As of the 2021-22 academic year, the TATP has been providing records of attendance for all students who participate in our programming. If you complete an asynchronous online module, or attend an online or in-person session, an electronic record of attendance will be made available to you either via Quercus (immediately) or by email (within 3 business days). These records of attendance can be remitted to your department as proof of completion.