Teaching Assistants' Training Program

Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Latest Past Events

Queering Pedagogies of Writing

As university educators, we are tasked with the responsibility of improving and expanding students’ writing skills, a toolkit that also includes critical reasoning, argumentation & rhetoric, and research. When teaching these skills, we often run up against difficult questions: How do we support the development of students’ personal voices while working within university expectations? How […]

Peer Review Session

 The TATP Peer Review sessions are interactive workshops designed to help you elevate your course design skills. This hands-on session encourages you to review and discuss your peers' course materials, providing constructive feedback and receiving insights in return. This collaborative approach aims to enhance your course design proficiency and promote a culture of continuous improvement […]

Designing for All: Inclusive Visuals in Educational Spaces

Students come from diverse educational backgrounds and cultures, but most learners process visual information much more efficiently than other formats. As a result, it is important to understand how designing effective visuals can optimize the learning experience for all students. This workshop will explore how TAs can incorporate visuals into their teaching and the best […]