Microteaching I: Presentation Skills Builder
Each Microteaching I: Presentation Skills Builder session will involve 4 – 6 graduate student participants and 2 TATP facilitators. (One TATP facilitator runs the recording equipment and the other focuses on assessing the teaching presentation.) In this option, participants will take turns presenting for 5 (five) minutes (as “instructors”) in front of their peers (their “students”) and a TATP facilitator. Each presentation will be recorded. Immediately following each teaching presentation, the recording will be played back in the session in front of all participants. Upon viewing the 5-minute video, each instructor will provide a brief, 2-minute verbal self-assessment, stating what he/she thought worked well in the presentation and what she/he thought could be improved. The instructor will then receive brief verbal comments from each peer in the session and comments from the TATP facilitator. The instructor will then end his/her session with a final self-assessment in light of the comments just received. Time will be given to all participants to fill out a feedback form for each instructor; each instructor will keep these written forms at the end of the session as well as a form completed by the TATP facilitator.
Because the amount of time allotted each teaching presentation is limited to 5 minutes, this microteaching option seeks to provide participants with feedback primarily on their oral communication skills. Time management and interaction with the audience will also be assessed.
PLEASE NOTE: No DVDs will be burned for participants in the Microteaching I: Presentation Skills Builder sessions. All of the recordings are viewed in the session itself. As soon as each session ends, all 5-minute teaching presentations are deleted from the TATP recording equipment.
Register for MICROTEACHING I: Presentations Skills Builder on EVE. Select Certificates on the drop-down menu under your name, Click on Details and Registration under the AUTP Certificate (you must be registered for the AUTP certificate to register for Microteaching). Upcoming Microteaching sessions can be seen under the ‘Practicum’ area of the certificate screen.
Microteaching – Participant Info (PDF)
Review Microteaching I Feedback Form.
Review Microteaching Feedback Tips.