Supporting Documentation (TA) for Shortlisted Candidates

Shortlisted candidates for this award will be asked to provide ALL the following documentation in an award dossier (please note this is not a teaching dossier): 

  • A cover letter (one page) summarizing why you are a strong candidate for the award. Please include your program of study, the courses you are TAing, a brief overview of the contents of your teaching dossier, and the names of faculty nominators, 
  • An abbreviated CV that includes a summary of all your teaching experience. 
  • One or more letter(s) of support from a faculty member familiar with your teaching. 
  • A teaching philosophy statement addressing your beliefs and practices about teaching and learning in your discipline. Information on Preparing Your Teaching Philosophy Statement is available.  
  • Sample teaching materials, each of which should be contextualized by a brief description of how it relates to your teaching philosophy, practices, or strengths. Please provide a variety of teaching materials, totaling no more than 60 pages. All materials must have been drafted by the candidate, not a faculty member or Course Coordinator. Sample teaching materials could include some of the following (all elements are not required): 

– sample lesson plan for a tutorial or class
– sample quiz or test
– examples of exam questions
– examples of essay questions
– instructions for an in-class activity
– selected slides from a lecture or tutorial presentation (with a lesson plan or talking points; do not include full slide decks)
– tutorial syllabus
– instructions for an individual assignment
– unsolicited emails from students from a course TA’d between January 2022 and December 2023
– course evaluations (if available) from a course TA’d between January 2022 and December 2023


  • Any information that may identify your students must be removed. First names are okay; full names, email addresses, etc., are not. 
  • DO NOT INCLUDE MATERIAL FROM CURRENT STUDENTS. This would include emails, letters, or student work.  
  • Additional letters or emails from students or faculty members may also be included. 

Shortlisted candidates must submit all materials to, accompanied by a COVER LETTER, by April 12th, 2024 at end of day (5pm).