Supporting Documentation (CI) for Shortlisted Candidates
The shortlisted nominee must submit all of the following:
1.Reference letters
- At least one faculty reference letter.
- At least one student reference letter.
** These letters can be the same ones that were submitted with the original nomination; however, they must be re-submitted with the rest of the supporting documentation.
2.Statement of Teaching Philosophy
3.Teaching Materials (totaling up to 75 pages)
- Course syllabus
- Sample assignment instructions
- Sample lesson plan
- Examples of summative evaluations (e.g., test, quiz, exam, final project)
- A detailed summary of available course evaluation data
The shortlisted nominee may also include additional teaching materials such as:
- sample communications with students (e.g., unsolicited emails from former students, instructions or advice emailed to former or current students)
- sample feedback to students
- examples of student work (anonymous)
- departmental feedback on teaching and letters of observation
- examples of effective TA coordination (e.g., meeting agendas or minutes, sample instructions for TAs, course resources designed for TAs, sample communications with TAs, suggested grading rubrics)
4. A Cover Letter (one page). In your cover letter, clearly indicate:
- your program of study
- courses for which you hold a CI position
- what documentation is being provided, and the rationale for supplying the selected teaching materials (i.e., the qualities or teaching strengths that the materials meant to demonstrate)
- the names of faculty nominators
- The teaching philosophy statement and all materials provided must have been prepared by the nominated CI, not a colleague or the Course Coordinator
- Teaching and additional materials can be from current or previous appointments but cannot include any information (emails, feedback, course work) from current students
- Any information that may identify your students must be removed. First names are okay; full names, email addresses, etc., are not.
- Additional letters or emails from students or faculty members may also be included
Shortlisted candidates must submit all materials to by April 12th, 2024 at end of day (5pm).