Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor
Kathleen Ogden, TATP Humanities Trainer
Mark Hathaway, TATP Social Sciences Trainer
Frames of reference are essentially “habits of the mind” encompassing assumptions, beliefs, values, concepts, and feelings that filter and condition our perception of the world. Transformative learning seeks to move beyond what is typically understood as critical thinking to actually shift a learner’s frames of reference towards more open, inclusive, and life-affirming perspectives that may ultimately be reflected in changes in the way one relates to others and acts in the world. This workshop will introduce the key theoretical principles of transformative learning and experiment with interactive and meditative practices that may enable both students and teachers to become aware of and to critically reflect on the frames of reference that dominate their own thinking, perception, and practice. At the same time, these practices seek to enable participants to perceive the world through more inclusive and diverse frames. We will discuss the benefits and challenges of transformative learning and consider concrete examples of applying it in an academic setting. Participants will also discuss and propose ways to apply transformative learning in their own teaching.