Academic Integrity

Please note that any written work submitted to the TATP office in pursuit of the AUTP Certificate is subject to the same rigorous standards as written work submitted in academic programs. Any work associated with the office is governed by the University of Toronto’s code of conduct, and as University of Toronto students, you are bound by the rules and regulations surrounding the submission of individual written work at this institution.

PLAGIARISM OF TEACHING PHILOSOPHY STATEMENTS, WRITTEN REFLECTIONS, OR ANY PUBLISHED WORK CONSTITUTES ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT. The following documents will be checked to ensure that no content has been downloaded off the Internet or copied from other print or online resources:

  • teaching dossiers, including teaching philosophy statements
  • written reflections
  • scholarly papers
  • teaching materials used in Microteaching

If a student copies any portion of a teaching philosophy statement or teaching dossier, or copies any text from any source without proper citation when preparing a written reflection or a scholarly paper, the student will be considered to be misrepresenting herself or himself. The student will not receive a TATP Certificate, and further action may be taken, meaning the incident may be brought to the attention of the student’s home department. This can have serious consequences as the department may choose to include a citation in the student’s file.

Students who are found to have committed plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct will be removed from the certificate program.