Reference List

Please note that some content in this guide has been directly borrowed and/or adapted from the following sources:

Queen’s University. (n.d.). Identifying and responding to students in distress [Brochure]. Kingston: Author.

University of British Columbia. (n.d.). Mental Health and Wellbeing: Assisting Students in Distress [Brochure]. Okanagan: University of British Columbia.

Mental Health, Accessible Campus, Council of Ontario Universities:

More Feet on the Ground University of Toronto, University of Toronto:

OCAD University. (2014). A Guide to Supporting Students in Distress at OCAD University. 1st ed. Toronto: Author.

University of Saskatchewan. (n.d.). Quick Reference Guide: Assisting Students in Distress [Brochure]. Saskatoon: Author.

Algonquin College. (2012). Starting the Conversation: Raising our awareness of student mental health [Resource Booklet for Instructors]. Ottawa: Author.


American College Health Association-­‐National College Health Assessment II. (2013). Canadian Reference Group Executive Summary Spring 2013. Hanover, MD: American College.

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (2001). Talking about Mental Illness: A guide for developing an awareness program for youth. Teacher’s Resource. Toronto: Author.

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (2003). Challenges & Choices: Finding Mental Health Services in Ontario. Toronto: Author.

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (n.d.). Secondary Education. Definitions: Mental Health vs. Mental Health Problems, Mental Wellness vs. Mental Illness. Retrieved from

Community Resource Connections of Toronto. (2007). Navigating Mental Health Services in Toronto: A Guide For Newcomer Communities. Retrieved from

Health and Wellness, University of Toronto:

University of Toronto. (2014). Report of the Provostial Advisory Committee on Student Mental Health. Toronto: Author.


Mental Wellbeing, Ryerson University:

Paul Quinnett. (1995.) Ask a question, Save a life: Question, Persuade, Refer [Brochure]. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.


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