TATP Online Module Review
A new online module, entitled “Policies and Procedures for Teaching Assistants at the University of Toronto”, explores four key areas of responsibility: respecting confidentiality, avoiding conflict of interest, safeguarding the learning environment, and upholding academic integrity. It identifies University of Toronto resources, procedures, and offices that guide teaching-related processes and policies. This module, which may be used in future TA training, is designed to help new teaching assistants understand policies related to teaching at the University of Toronto. We need teaching assistants to test the module to ensure that it is effective and valuable. Module testers will review the 30-minute module and complete a feedback form (10-15 minutes). It is not necessary to be an expert in online training or policies at the University of Toronto in order to be a tester. If you are, or have been a teaching assistant or course instructor at the University of Toronto – we need your feedback.
Remuneration: $15 gift card to Starbucks
Time to complete the module and fill out the review form: 45-60 minutes
Where: Learning Studio (Room 4034, 4th floor of Robarts Library)
When: July 24-25, 1-3 p.m.