Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor
The persistence of Indigenous-led activism and the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action has culminated in Canadian post-secondary institutions pushing educators to “Indigenize” their curriculum and classrooms.
This workshop centres the notions of relationality, reflexivity, and respect as we attend conscientiously to our pedagogical and political responsibilities as educators living and working on Indigenous Territories. While the intent of this workshop is to move beyond awareness towards action, we will approach topics contemplatively, pushing back against prescriptive tendencies.
Workshop participants can expect to engage in a variety of modalities, including informative, land-based, and critical reflexive exercises to help us connect ideas about Indigenization to teaching and learning, about which knowledges are privileged and why, and the importance of continuously reflecting and learning about the land on which we live and carry out our work, and its (often contested) histories.