Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor
Do you have a dilemma, challenge, or question about teaching? Have you been experimenting with new teaching techniques in your classroom, or would you like to try out a new technique and talk it through with some of your colleagues and experienced TATP facilitators? Bring your lunch and join us to troubleshoot your teaching concerns, brainstorm creative solutions to your teaching conundrums or questions, and share strategies for teaching in your discipline. All questions and ideas, large and small, are welcome!
Participation in one of these Brown-Bag Lunch ‘n’ Learn sessions counts as one credit towards the Certificate Program! (A maximum of one lunch can be counted towards the TF Certificate and up to two lunches can be counted towards the AUTP Certificate Program.)
At this brown-bag lunch, we’ll be focusing on planning that TAs can do to help their students and themselves, starting early in the semester. If your students seem unprepared to start tackling a major paper or project, or unwilling to jump into discussion, come join us to discuss strategies! As always, any and all teaching dilemmas are welcome, whether they relate to this theme or not.