Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor
Want to design learning that engages all your students? Interested in using Quercus to overcome barriers to learning in your teaching? Want to re-develop resources and content for the online environment using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles? This webinar will focus on effective course structure and navigation that can help promote students’ self-directed learning and time management. Learn how to do this in Quercus using five key strategies:
• Optimizing the Course Navigation menu.
• Using the Calendar tool effectively.
• Organizing course content with Modules.
• Contextualizing Module content with Pages.
• Creating a screencast ‘walkthrough’ of your course.
BBCollaborate Link: ca.bbcollab.com (https://ca.bbcollab.com/guest/71bb9741d12c4447952ae6a81564d110)