Teaching Assistants' Training Program

Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Integrating Multimodal Learning into the Online Environment

Name: Online - Zoom Address:

This workshop intends to provide an introduction to multimodal learning in the online classroom. We will explore different methodologies for incorporating a mixture of modalities (visual, audio, reading/writing, kinesthetic) into […]

Personalizing Your Land Acknowledgement

Name: Online - Zoom Address:

Have you been meaning to personalize your land acknowledgment to open events and gatherings, but been concerned about getting something “wrong”? Do you often use a pre-written template but would […]

Identifying and Addressing Microaggressions in the University Classroom

Name: Online - Zoom Address:

Microaggressions are defined as the “daily, constant, often subtle, and seemingly innocuous, covert and overt negative messages and actions directed toward people from marginalized groups” (Sue, 2010 as cited in […]

Demystifying Library Research for Your Students

Name: Online - Zoom Address:

How do you help your students who are baffled by library research?  In this session, U of T librarians will share services and resources to assist undergraduate students, and work […]

Statement of Teaching Philosophy Clinic

Name: Online - Zoom Address:

The statement of teaching philosophy (STP) is the foundation of any teaching dossier, is often requested as part of an academic job application, and is an important part of the […]

Introduction to Active Learning – Theory & Strategy

Name: Online - Zoom Address:

Active learning is when “students make information or concepts their own by connecting them to existing knowledge and experience… examine, question, and relate new ideas to old, thereby achieving the […]

Accessibility Services and the Accommodations Process

Wondering about the accommodation process, and accessibility services supports at U of T? In this webinar, we will provide an introduction to Accessibility Services and the accommodation process at the […]

Intercultural Communication in Teaching and Learning

With increasing diverse student populations in the classrooms, it is critical that we engage and reflect on our intercultural development journey to build a safe and inclusive learning environment. By […]

Grading Strategies for Teaching Assistants

Name: Online - Zoom Address:

Across disciplines, grading can be a challenging practice for TAs that requires significant time and interpretation.  This workshop will position grading as a valuable teaching strategy and introduce techniques for […]

Identifying, Honing, and Teaching with Transferable Skills

As graduate students, we might understand the importance of transferrable skills to our own career development but what about in our teaching? TAs and course instructors can develop their transferrable […]

Mock Academic Interview

Name: Online Address:

Landing a faculty position is the aspiration of many senior doctoral students, and the process of applying for and landing such positions is difficult and in many ways mysterious. While […]

Roundtable with Teaching-Stream Faculty

Name: Online Address:

Over the lastcouple of decades, the pressure to improve the quality of teaching has beentransforming Higher Education in North America. One of the key initiatives hasbeen the emergence of individuals […]