Teaching Assistants' Training Program

Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Setting Students up for Success: Skills-Based Learning in Entry Level Tutorials

TAing for first and second year classes can often feel overwhelming.  There is usually a wide range of materials to cover and at times it might seem that students lack the learning tools they need to grasp the new material. By combining content with skills-based learning techniques, TAs can help their students tackle complex and […]

Equity in your Classroom: Basic Principles

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to basic equity terminology and principles. We will work through various scenarios around how these issues arise in our classrooms and collaboratively generate strategies that addressing inequity. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: identify equity issues on campus and in our classrooms (including […]

Communicative activities in the foreign language classroom: activity design and implementation

The principle goal of learning a non-native language is to be able to communicate using that language.  In order for students to be able to do this, classroom instruction must go beyond the grammar, vocabulary, sounds, and meaning of the target language and provide students with the opportunity to accomplish a range of communicative tasks.  […]

UTSC: Supporting Student Writing in the Sciences

Writing is central to research in the natural sciences; however, science students face many writing challenges. Courses and labs are often content-driven, with no time allocated to unpacking disciplinary writing expectations or skill-building. Additionally, instructors and TAs may not feel equipped with the resources, tools, or expertise to teach writing. This workshop will provide TAs […]

Decolonizing the Syllabus

In December 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada released its Final Report, which included 94 “Calls to Action” for federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal government agencies, institutions, and peoples alike. At the University of Toronto it is now common to land acknowledgements and urges to “Indigenize” and “decolonize” throughout the humanities, social […]

Fundamentals of Course Design from Outcomes to Assessments

This 3-hour workshop will introduce you to the fundamentals of course design, from outcomes to assessments. We will outline the elements of effective outcomes and assessments, and we will address some of the logistical questions about course preparation (e.g. course readings) that affect decisions in course design. During the session, you will draft and receive […]

TATP Course Design Day 2019

The TATP Course Design Day will provide you with an introduction to the principles and process of course design. Guided by experienced teachers, facilitators, and collaborators, you will learn how to design (or re-design) a course of your choosing in order to enhance students’ learning experiences. This institute is intended for graduate students preparing to […]

Effective Lecturing for Better Learning: Strategies for an Engaging Lecture

The university lecture is considered an art form by many, and for good reason: it can be a challenging and perplexing task to combine the talents of scholar, entertainer, teacher and orator. The “Effective Lecturing” workshop aims to demystify the lecture and offers instructors a framework for developing and delivering clear, engaging, and memorable lectures. […]

Advanced Equity Pedagogies: Cultivating Equitable Interaction through Tutorial/Course Facilitation and Design

Prerequisite for this workshop: “Equity in your Classroom”, Decolonizing the Syllabus and/or previous workshops or engagement with introductory equity terminology and principles (e.g. anti-racism workshops, anti-oppression workshops, community advocacy work). Are you doing work to address racialization, settler colonialism, transphobia, ableism, and/or gender bias in your classroom? If so, join us to reflect on your practices, […]

Navigating the Commons: Teaching with Open Educational Resources

With big publishing companies charging billions of dollars to universities, students, and researchers to access learning materials, it can be difficult — if not impossible — to access the right materials. This workshop is designed for teaching assistants and course instructors who want to learn how to navigate and utilize open access journals, “free-license” resources […]

Cellphilms as Pedagogy

Cellphones play a significant role in our lives. They allow us to communicate, connect, and engage in ways previously thought impossible. However, cellphone use in most classrooms is still prohibited. In this 3-hour workshop, we introduce participants to the concept of “cellphilms,” as a way to reappropriate cellphone use in the classroom for the production […]

Facilitating Effective Group Work: Strategies and Challenges

Group work is a recurring aspect of academic learning experiences. As an instructional tool—whether collaborative, cooperative, or problem-based—it can facilitate students’ active engagement in their learning, encourage team building and skill development (e.g. communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, etc.), and bring forward different perspectives. However, there are also many challenges associated with group work, such as […]

Teaching in Ontario Colleges

Are you interested in teaching in Ontario’s college system, but unsure how your university experience has prepared you for this challenge? This roundtable draws on the experience of four industry professionals who have demonstrated excellence in pedagogy and made the transition from university to college teaching. The session will be divided into two parts: first, […]

UTSC: Equity in the Classroom

In this workshop, participants discuss equity and inclusion terminology and principles. We will work through scenarios around how these issues arise in our classrooms and collaboratively generate strategies that address inequity and promote inclusion for our students. Participants will develop an understanding of equity and inclusion and strategies that can be applied to current and […]

Supporting Student Writing in the Sciences

Writing is central to research in the natural sciences; however, science students face many writing challenges. Courses and labs are often content-driven, with no time allocated to unpacking disciplinary writing expectations or skill-building. Additionally, instructors and TAs may not feel equipped with the resources, tools, or expertise to teach writing. This workshop will provide TAs […]