UTSC: First Contract Training: All Disciplines
University of Toronto Scarborough - AA160, IC318 This is a 4-hour session for first-contract TAs 3 hours of general pedagogical training: 9:00am - 12:00pm - AA160 1 hour of tutorial […]
Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor
University of Toronto Scarborough - AA160, IC318 This is a 4-hour session for first-contract TAs 3 hours of general pedagogical training: 9:00am - 12:00pm - AA160 1 hour of tutorial […]
This 3-hour workshop will introduce you to the fundamentals of course design, from outcomes to assessments. We will outline the elements of effective outcomes and assessments, and we will address […]
The TATP Course Design Day will provide you with an introduction to the principles and process of course design. Guided by experienced teachers, facilitators, and collaborators, you will learn how […]
Online learning is becoming increasingly common in higher education, and, as a result, it is crucial to understand best practices for designing online courses. In this workshop, we apply the […]
The teaching dossier is a comprehensive record of teaching activities and accomplishments that is now required in applications for permanent positions at the University of Toronto and at an increasing […]
THIS SESSION HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO LOW ENROLMENT This session explores strategies for building a sense of community among your students in order to enhance their learning. Topics will include […]
We encourage participants from across the humanities, social sciences and STEM disciplines to join us and engage in intra- and inter- disciplinary conversations about the socio-political contexts of our teaching […]
Land acknowledgements have become common in academic spaces, as well as outside of academia, in schools and at cultural, civic, and sporting events. You might have even seen them while […]
Many of us are familiar with the dominant narratives around resiliency and “grit” that are currently circulating in public discourse – “You need to have grit to succeed,” or “you […]
The purpose of this session is to familiarize TAs with reflective practice in teaching and learning, as well as equip participants with open-ended and guided tools for building and maintaining […]
This workshop will introduce participants to infographics and how to develop them as a teaching tool for their classrooms. Attendees will learn the basics of infographic making (e.g. making information […]
This interactive workshop will highlight how integrating images, audio, video and immersive virtual environments can enhance the teaching and learning experience. Through discussions and group activities, this session will: Share […]
As scientists, we need to be skilled not only in our own discipline, but also in communicating our findings with the larger global community. Many cite the disconnect between the […]
The statement of teaching philosophy (STP) is the foundation of any teaching dossier, is often requested as part of an academic job application, and is an important part of the […]
The teaching dossier is a comprehensive record of teaching activities and accomplishments that is now required in applications for permanent positions at the University of Toronto and at an increasing […]