Teaching Assistants' Training Program

Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Latest Past Events

Preparing Your Teaching Dossier (Online)

Name: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

The teaching dossier is a comprehensive record of teaching activities and accomplishments that is now required in applications for permanent positions at the University of Toronto and at an increasing number of institutions across North America. In this session, we will review the elements of a successful teaching dossier and discuss how to use it […]

Navigating the TA-CI Relationship (In-Person)

Name: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

As a Teaching Assistant, it is important that you and the Course Instructor maintain clear lines of communication. You may play a variety of roles in a course, while also carving out time for your graduate work. Establishing and maintaining an effective and positive relationship with a CI will positively affect students’ experiences, and will […]

Troubleshooting TA Challenges, Part 1: Sources and Strategies (Online)

The work of a TA is complex and involves many roles, from teacher and mentor to administrator and employee. Each of these roles can present unique dilemmas and difficult situations, from unanswerable questions and lack of student engagement to time constraints and contractual limitations.   This workshop will address some of the challenges that Teaching Assistants […]