Teaching Assistants' Training Program

Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Online First Contract Training: Social Sciences

(Online) This is a 2-hour webinar for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this 2-hour session as part of their 4 hours of paid mandatory training (per the collective agreement between C.U.P.E. 3902 and the University of Toronto). If you have any questions, please contact […]

Online First Contract Training: Humanities

(Online) This is a 2-hour webinar for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this 2-hour session as part of their 4 hours of paid mandatory training (per the collective agreement between C.U.P.E. 3902 and the University of Toronto). If you have any questions, please contact […]

Online First Contract Training: Humanities & Social Sciences

(Online) This is a 2-hour webinar for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this 2-hour session as part of their 4 hours of paid mandatory training (per the collective agreement between C.U.P.E. 3902 and the University of Toronto). If you have any questions, please contact […]

Online First Contract Training: Sciences & Engineering

(Online) This is a 2-hour webinar for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this 2-hour session as part of their 4 hours of paid mandatory training (per the collective agreement between C.U.P.E. 3902 and the University of Toronto). If you have any questions, please contact […]

In-Person First Contract Training: Sciences & Engineering

In-Person: Blackburn Room, 4th floor Robarts Library This is a 2-hour workshop for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this 2-hour session as part of their 4 hours of paid mandatory training (per the collective agreement between C.U.P.E. 3902 and the University of Toronto). If […]

Identify, Assist, Refer Plus Training (IAR+) (Online)

As a helper in our community it is important to know how to support someone who is experiencing a mental health challenge.  In this workshop, we will discuss what it might look when supporting someone who is experiencing a mental health challenge in the context of your role as a TA.  We will discuss some […]

Preparing Your Teaching Dossier (Online)

The teaching dossier is a comprehensive record of teaching activities and accomplishments that is now required in applications for permanent positions at the University of Toronto and at an increasing number of institutions across North America. In this session, we will review the elements of a successful teaching dossier and discuss how to use it […]

Microteaching (Online)

Each OnlineMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(ten) minute lesson over Zoom. Following their lesson and a brief reflection, eachinstructor will provide a brief, verbal self-assessment, stating what theythought worked well in […]

Microteaching (In-Person)

Name: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

Each in-personMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(ten) minute lesson over in a live classroom environment. Following theirlesson and a brief reflection, each instructor will provide a brief, verbalself-assessment, stating what they […]

Online First Contract Training: All Disciplines

(Online) This is a 2-hour webinar for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this 2-hour session as part of their 4 hours of paid mandatory training (per the collective agreement between C.U.P.E. 3902 and the University of Toronto). If you have any questions, please contact […]

Quercus for Teaching and Learning: Effective Q-Design and Q-Engagement (Online)

This workshop will provide information to begin building a Quercus course. You will explore some of the key features and tools through demos and hands-on activities, and share pedagogically sound best practices on how to effectively use these tools when designing Quercus courses and engaging students. We will examine strategies for effectively organizing and structuring […]

Microteaching (Online)

Each OnlineMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(ten) minute lesson over Zoom. Following their lesson and a brief reflection, eachinstructor will provide a brief, verbal self-assessment, stating what theythought worked well in […]

Grading Strategies for Teaching Assistants (Online)

Across disciplines, grading can be a challenging practice for TAs that requires significant time and interpretation.  This workshop will position grading as a valuable teaching strategy and introduce techniques for efficient and effective grading. At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: understand the purpose and importance of grading in teaching and […]

Statement of Teaching Philosophy Clinic (In-Person)

Name: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

The statement of teaching philosophy (STP) is the foundation of any teaching dossier, is often requested as part of an academic job application, and is an important part of the tenure and promotion process. This short statement needs to effectively communicate your ideas, beliefs, and values about teaching in a condensed space. In writing your […]

The Fundamentals of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom (In-person)

Name: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce participants to foundational concepts and vocabulary of EDI work, make connections to why these matter in teaching and learning contexts, and identify actionable strategies to foster more inclusive classrooms.   Participants will engage in a variety of interactive, self-reflexive and informative activities designed to build greater awareness of […]