Teaching Assistants' Training Program

Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

First Contract Training: Humanities & Social Sciences

Blackburn Room

Blackburn Room, Robarts Library, 4th Floor This is a 3-hour training session for first-contract TAs. First Contract TAs should attend this session as well as the 1-hour tutorial training session that focuses on the particular kind of tutorial teaching they have been assigned. If you have questions about what tutorial training session to attend, please […]

UTSC: First Contract Training: All Disciplines

University of Toronto Scarborough - AA160 This is a 4-hour session for first-contract TAs 4 hours of general pedagogical training: 10:00am - 2:00pm This session will include topics such as University of Toronto Policies around teaching, classroom management, professionalism, grading and other important information for first contract TAs All departments may allow TAs to use […]

Effective Science Communication

130 St. George St. Toronto ON Blackburn Room, 4th Floor Robarts Library

As scientists, we need to be skilled not only in our own discipline, but also in communicating our findings with the larger global community. Many cite the disconnect between the work in academia and the translation of that work to the general public as a contributing factor in the contemporary spread of misinformation. In education, […]

Developing Intercultural Competencies for Use in Culturally Diverse Classrooms

130 St. George St. Toronto ON Blackburn Room

Differences in expectations and styles of communicating can result in misunderstandings in classrooms, labs, and in other collaborative or supervisory spaces that you participate in. What are some practical approaches you can use to mitigate or prevent some of these potential roadblocks? The aim of this session is to challenge you to recognize the working […]

Quercus for Teaching and Learning: Effective Q-Design and Q-Engagement

252 Bloor St. W 3rd Floor Toronto ON Labs 1 and 2, 3rd Floor

This workshop will provide information to begin building a Quercus course. You will explore some of the key features and tools through demos and hands-on activities, and share pedagogically sound best practices on how to effectively use these tools when designing Quercus courses and engaging students. We will examine strategies for effectively organizing and structuring […]

Equity and Access in the Classroom

130 St. George St. Toronto ON Blackburn Room, 4th Floor Robarts Library

In this workshop, participants will build towards a complex understanding of equity terminology and principles. We will start by working through various scenarios around how equity issues arise in our classrooms and collaboratively generate strategies that work to address them. Then, we will ask participants to reflect on their own practices, learn from each other, […]

PowerPoint and Beyond: Creating Accessible Visual Aids

130 St. George St. Toronto ON Blackburn Room, 4th Floor Robarts Library

While PowerPoints and its alternatives may seem ubiquitous in higher education, how can we create accessible and effective visual aids for our learners? In this workshop, we will consider questions to ask ourselves before opening a PowerPoint template and explore key pedagogical frameworks that help evaluate the necessity and effectiveness of visual aids. Participants will […]

UTSC: First Contract Training: All Disciplines

University of Toronto Scarborough - AA160, IC318 This is a 4-hour session for first-contract TAs 3 hours of general pedagogical training: 9:00am - 12:00pm - AA160 1 hour of tutorial training: 12:30pm - 1:30pm Review and Q&A - AA160 Problem Sets - IC 318 This session will include topics such as University of Toronto Policies […]

The Fundamentals of Course Design: From Outcomes to Assessments

130 St. George St. Toronto ON Blackburn Room, 4th Floor Robarts Library

This 3-hour workshop will introduce you to the fundamentals of course design, from outcomes to assessments. We will outline the elements of effective outcomes and assessments, and we will address some of the logistical questions about course preparation (e.g. course readings) that affect decisions in course design. During the session, you will draft and receive […]

TATP Course Design Day 2020

The TATP Course Design Day will provide you with an introduction to the principles and process of course design. Guided by experienced teachers, facilitators, and collaborators, you will learn how to design (or re-design) a course of your choosing in order to enhance students’ learning experiences. This institute is intended for graduate students preparing to […]

Effective Practices for Engaging Online Learning

130 St. George St. Toronto ON Blackburn Room, 4th Floor Robarts Library

Online learning is becoming increasingly common in higher education, and, as a result, it is crucial to understand best practices for designing online courses. In this workshop, we apply the fundamentals of course design to online courses, and discuss the steps you can follow to design an engaging online course. We also consider what types […]

Preparing Your Teaching Dossier

130 St. George St. Toronto ON Blackburn Room, 4th Floor Robarts Library

The teaching dossier is a comprehensive record of teaching activities and accomplishments that is now required in applications for permanent positions at the University of Toronto and at an increasing number of institutions across North America. In this session, we will review the elements of a successful teaching dossier and discuss how to use it […]

UTSC: Building Community in Your Classes and Tutorials – CANCELLED

1265 Military Trail Scarborough ON IC318

THIS SESSION HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO LOW ENROLMENT This session explores strategies for building a sense of community among your students in order to enhance their learning. Topics will include creating a learning environment conducive to community  building, using shared decision-making, modelling community-oriented behaviours, and facilitating interpersonal connections. Participants will leave with specific strategies for breaking the […]

Situating Your Discipline

130 St. George St. Toronto ON Blackburn Room, 4th Floor Robarts Library

We encourage participants from across the humanities, social sciences and STEM disciplines to join us and engage in intra- and inter- disciplinary conversations about the socio-political contexts of our teaching and research. The impact of research extends into our global community, impacting policies, perceptions and norms. How do we situate our research within this context […]

Write and Workshop Your Own Land Acknowledgement

130 St. George St. Toronto ON Blackburn Room, 4th Floor Robarts Library

Land acknowledgements have become common in academic spaces, as well as outside of academia, in schools and at cultural, civic, and sporting events. You might have even seen them while waiting for a bus, or while walking on Ishpadinaa, or Spadina. However, as land acknowledgements have become more common, they risk losing meaning as a […]