Teaching Assistants' Training Program

Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor

Authentic Engagement in the Learning Environment

IC 318

UTSC - IC318 - ELECTIVE Ghazal Fazli, TATP Sciences Trainer Creating a collaborative, stimulating and effective learning environment requires much more than attention to content. As TAs, we must also develop a confident, comfortable classroom presence, while at the same time making sure that we are connecting with students who have different personalities and learning […]

Creating Healthy Learning Environments

IC 318

UTSC - 318 - CORE Ghazal Fazli, UTSC TA Trainer and PhD Candidate, Health Policy This workshop will provide participants with information on identifying services and resources on campuses and strategies for promoting a healthy learning environment in tutorials and through other forms of contact with their students outside of tutorials (e.g. emails, online teaching […]

Navigating Power Roles

IC 318

UTSC - IC318 - ELECTIVE Ghazal Fazli, TATP Sciences Trainer Research focused on student engagement demonstrates that undergraduates value the relationships they have with TAs highly. The research also highlights that interaction with students inside and outside of the classroom are key to engaging students and for their supporting academic success. This workshop will focus on […]

Translating Your TA Experience into Marketable Skills

IC 318

UTSC - IC318 - ELECTIVE Mariam Aslam, Academic Success Strategist, Academic Advising and Career Centre Ghazal Fazli, TATP Sciences Trainer This workshop will provide an overview of marketing your competencies and skills gained from your role as a Teaching Assistant (TA) to future career pursuits. The session will integrate social media outlets such as LinkedIn for […]

UTSC Job Training Day

The following TA job training sessions have been scheduled at the UTSC campus. Students need to register for their required training sessions by using the links below. TAs must register in advance for the correct session required by their department and course instructor—otherwise, the TA’s department may not receive confirmation that he or she completed […]

UTSC: Classroom Management Strategies

IC 318

UTSC - IC318 - CORE Malama Tsimenis, Senior Lecturer, Centre for French and Linguistics, UTSC Teaching assistants are often faced with problematic situations which, if not promptly addressed, can destabilize the classroom environment and ruin both the students’ learning experience and the TAs’ teaching experience.  In this interactive workshop, TAs will work together to come up […]

UTSC: Enhancing Students’ Research Skills

IC 318

UTSC - IC318 - CORE Sarah Fedko, Liaison Librarian for the Centre for Teaching and Learning, UTSC Library This workshop mixes brief presentations with activities that enable participants to (1) identify common undergraduate problems with research, (2) learn current best practices and resources to address such problems, and (3) formulate strategies they would use to help […]

UTSC: Effective and Efficient Grading

IC 318

UTSC - IC318 - CORE Tingting Zhu, TATP UTSC Trainer Joel Rodgers, TATP Humanities Trainer Have upcoming grading to do?  This workshop is designed to assist Teaching Assistants to maximize their contribution to students’ success and their own efficiency and productivity during the grading process. Topics covered will include: effective feedback, language-related issues, academic integrity, time […]

UTSC: Troubleshooting TA Problems and Dilemmas

IC 318

UTSC - IC318 - CORE Tingting Zhu, TATP UTSC Trainer Sandy Carpenter, TATP Course Instructor Coordinator The first hour of this session will present case scenarios of dilemmas and difficult situations TAs often encounter.  Participants will work together to develop strategies to use in such situations.  In the second half of the workshop, participants will […]

UTSC: Fostering Academic Integrity: Roles and Strategies for TAs

IC 318

UTSC - IC318 - CORE Sheryl Stevenson, TA and Graduate Student Support Coordinator, CTL Participants in this workshop will gain a set of useful tools for promoting students’ understanding of academic dishonesty and, even more important, for cultivating academic integrity. The workshop focuses on discussion and further development of classroom activities that can be used to […]

UTSC: Developing Your Teaching Philosophy and Dossier: A Personal Teaching Journey Copy


University of Toronto Scarborough- AA160 - CORE Marie Vander Kloet, Assistant Director, TATP/CTSI The teaching dossier is a comprehensive record of teaching activities and accomplishments that is now required in applications for permanent positions at the University of Toronto and at an increasing number of institutions across North America. A statement of one’s teaching philosophy is […]

UTSC: Below the Surface: Deep Learning in Science Laboratories and Practicals

IC 318

University of Toronto Scarborough, IC318 - CORE Tingting Zhu, TATP Sciences Trainer Darius Rackus, TATP Sciences Trainer Undergraduate science labs and practical sessions provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge, bridging theory and application. To make the most of the limited time in the lab, students are required to prepare in advance and arrive […]

UTSC: The Multilingual Classroom: Cultivating a Multilingual Teaching Team and Learning Community (March 16)

IC 318

University of Toronto Scarborough, IC318 - ELECTIVE Tingting Zhu, TATP Sciences Trainer Alex Motut, TATP Social Sciences Coordinator With increasing internationalization, teaching and learning in a multilingual context has become common for both multilingual and native English speaking TAs. Have you ever wondered how to effectively engage multilingual students or how to better navigate language barriers […]